Will humans ever transplant consciousness to another human or an inanimate device?
Hi Ya BoiThis is a fascinating question that all seems to hinge on what we mean by u2018transferu2025 and u2018another bodyu2019. We are going to drive a little deeper than usual with this answer, so apologies in advance.Letu2019s begin with idea of transferring your consciousness out of your body and forget for a minute the destination. The first concern that many people have goes something like this: u2018If I transfer my consciousness out of my body, isnu2019t that dangerous? Whatu2019s left behind to protect my physical form and how will my body keep itself alive?Letu2019s do some groundwork to this problem by taking the example of an insomniac or someone that has a lot of trouble sleeping. We find that insomniacs have lower health, age more quickly and often suffer from impaired functioning. The antidote? More sleep of course. But what is it about sleep that is so essential to our wellness?Many scientists will reassure us that sleep is merely an opportunity for the physical body, including the brain to rest and recuperate and that there is no science or proof to an u2018out of bodyu2025 experience that occurs during sleep.For example, if someone dreams about walking around in their garden shed during the night, then science would say that the brain has created the image of a u2018garden shedu2025 from stored images in memory and then has u2018hostedu2025 a recreation of a u2018shed experienceu2025 to assist the psyche to work out issues using a u2018garden shed dream frameworku2019. And while all of this could be true, there are also other possibilities.On the second evening, the dreamer could feel like they are in the same dream, except on this occasion they have actually projected their consciousness to the garden shed. Yet, they may not be able to tell the difference from the u2018self createdu2025 garden shed in the previous dream the night before. The dreamer could then wake up the next morning and say that they are having identical recurring dreams about a garden shed. When in fact the two dream experiences have very different structures involved.On the third evening, the same dreamer could again find themselves dreaming they are inside their garden shed, but on this occasion they didnu2019t project there. Instead, someone else who is passionately interested in something to do with the dreameru2019s garden shed has provided the psyche-based framework and unwittingly transfers part of this conscious intent towards our dreamer, who then experiences this external emotion laden intent as a dream drama of himself in the garden shed. The originating person may or may not be visible in the dream at all.On the fourth evening, the same dreamer could find themselves in a certain type of dream environment (that we will cover in more detail later), where thoughts can become u2018thingsu2019. Here our dreameru2019s desire can materialize the garden shed into being, in real time, using the physics characteristic to that particular plane or environment. The curious thing about this event, is that it doesnu2019t so much occur u2018outu2025 of the body. As the relevant destination or coordinate points where this happens are not physical, and do not need to take up any space as we are used to thinking about it.So in summary, we have 4 totally different dream structure experiences appearing as essentially the same dream. Our dreamer happily quizzes their good friend about it over a casual coffee the next day, and then itu2019s simply on to chat about the next topic with no harm done. Why? Because if a personu2019s psyche isnu2019t ready to deal with more detailed information about the structure of their dreams or the transfer of consciousness, for example, then the ego will simply block this information to maintain the emotional stability of the personality.Linking back to the earlier part of the question, whether we realize our regular comings and goings or u2018transfers of consciousnessu2025 or not, that occur in the dream state. Their ongoing occurrence is essential to maintaining both our physical and mental health.A useful takeaway from all of this is, that the less stressed a person is, the easier it is for their relevant u2018bodiesu2025 of consciousness to take their temporary leave from the physical body and recharge u2018in their own systemsu2019.Conversely, if a person is under immense mental or physical stress caused by external factors, or even toxins in the body then, their u2018bodiesu2025 of consciousness will have difficulty u2018taking their leaveu2025 as the ego is struggling and has issued an u2018all hands on deck alertu2025 for the bodies to remain.If we stick with the boat metaphor, we have crew members who are effectively unable to rest, which leads to faster ageing and accelerated deterioration of the personu2019s physical, mental and emotional systems.We apologise that we didnu2019t get to look at the u2018other bodyu2025 side of the question and we hope to be able to cover that in future answers.